2008年6月8日 星期日


上星期六5.31,米勒(Millet)畫展的第一天歷史博物館擠爆人,相對的...故宮博物院的"印象畢沙羅",幾乎可謂之冷清。這樣才棒! (真是私心啊! :P ) 有這麼悠哉安靜的環境欣賞也算是世界級的作品,幸運幸運!

雖不若頂級Top 1一群(那些朗朗上口的畫家)帶來的超級感動,但也是讓人嘖嘖稱好的。:-)

除了畫展"封面"的這幅《厄哈格尼,我窗外的景緻》確實很討好之外,另外我為之小小被吸引的有幅柯洛畫的《森林裡的小溪,蒙菲赫美》(畫展官網上有放),還有幅也許可說是名不見經傳的畢沙羅的大兒子路西安的事業合夥人(Eragny Press 一間獨立出版社),一位英國女畫家的作品。ah.. 連名字我都忘了... >_<
畫的是清晨的霧色。迷霧的感覺讓人身歷其境的冷濕,畫布表面怎麼特殊處理的我並不懂,而另外畫布的不平整(可能因為年代、布架的品質、收藏的偏差.. 所造成)似乎也讓它有種神秘感。

簡介的錄音帶上說,這位英國女畫家是路西安的太太的藝術學院裡的同學。(可怎麼交叉查詢也查不到更多資料...都沒有資料提過Eragny Press有什麼合夥人的)

提到Eragny Press,畫展裡有幾頁插畫和書的封面... 講起這出版社的歷史和影響,又可以展開另一線趣味的追蹤吧! (ah 小離題了)


4 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Very nice comments and descriptions of pissarro's painting. His painting reminds me another impressionist, Seurat.

Actually, some pissarro's paiting are deeply affected by Seurat's techniques. (After I google their relationship, I did find some links..)..

Just let you know...


J Chou 提到...

Hi, thanks for leaving your feedback. However, I didn't really describe much about Pissarro's paintings itself, but avert the surrounding stuff more. huh huh..

Ya, while talking about pointillism (dot to dot), Seurat is definately the big ONE. I can still recall the feeling when I saw "Bathers at Asnieres" in Landon's National Gallery. :-) It's so impressive. I love it!

匿名 提到...

Yes, I saw Seurat's another painting, "Sunday afternoon on the island ..." in Chicago. His paitings are very BIG in size! I did not realize that the original size of his painting is so giant!

What's the size of the "Bathers at Asnieres"? Also big size?


J Chou 提到...

wow.. i didn't know they posses Seurat's work in Chicago too. In which museum then?

ya, you are right, "Bathers at Asnieres" is huge. It says its szie is 201 x 300 cm, however, it feels like even larger. :)