2009年5月17日 星期日


久不久會在收音機裡聽到Vincent這歌, 一般或都以Starry starry night稱之。對這歌的熟悉, 像是說〝喜歡Don McLean的沒有不喜歡Vincent這首歌的〞, 或又是〝喜歡梵谷的沒有不知道Vincent這首歌的吧!〞這般的想當然爾。 YouTube上這首, 將梵谷的畫盡可能的貼著歌詞播放。
Not bad.

噫! 有另一版

Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue and grey,
Look out on a summer's day,
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills,
Sketch the trees and the daffodils,
Catch the breeze and the winter chills,
In colors on the snowy linen land.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.

Starry, starry night.
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,
Swirling clouds in violet haze,
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.
Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,
Weathered faces lined in pain,
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.

For they could not love you,
But still your love was true.
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night,
You took your life, as lovers often do.
But I could have told you, Vincent,
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you.

Starry, starry night.
Portraits hung in empty halls,
Frameless head on nameless walls,
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.
Like the strangers that you've met,
The ragged men in the ragged clothes,
The silver thorn of bloody rose,
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they're not listening still.
Perhaps they never will...


25年典藏4000多作品, 就只選了34幅展出?! 有些不足。不知是不是因為忙著龐畢度的特展沒花太多心思處理典藏展覽,整個展覽的陳設規劃看起來就覺不及格。:p

但作品少或者有少的好處, 印象可能因而深刻了些? 且少歸少, 幾幅自己頗有印象頗為喜歡的畫作, 也被選出。例如廖繼春的《有香蕉樹的院子》,李石樵的《田園樂》,于又任的書法─明月一壺酒.清風萬卷書,郭柏川的《孔廟》(去年這篇週六夜北美館寫過)和林之助的《小閒》...等等。而意外的特別收穫, 則是顏水龍的《蒙特利公園》。難以言喻啊!! 第一眼時, 可能覺得普通, 但就這一兩秒過去之後, 卻是變得無法忘懷。畫作最重要的是意境, 是美的內涵, 這幅畫就給人有這樣的感動。

這回又特別的細看"有香蕉的院子", 真的經典呢! 特別欣賞讚嘆那株香蕉, 呵~ (題目就是"香蕉"嘛, 當然它是重點了) ,還有光影的手法。林之助的小閒, 還真頗為神奇, 說不上來怎麼的了不得啊, 但是它就是讓人看了舒服, 覺得和諧, 讓人喜歡。

至於龐畢度中心的特展世外桃源, 打算改天再參觀了。


美術館展覽官網 http://www.tfam.museum/07_Collections/Default.aspx?PKID=594

蒙特利公園 http://www.tfam.museum/07_Collections/Default.aspx?PKID=663

有香蕉樹的院子 http://www.tfam.museum/07_Collections/Default.aspx?PKID=662

昨天再看孔廟水彩, 呵.. 感覺過去了咧... :p